L-Ryder Lavatube - $23.11

...its Naturevaper

For about the cost of a ego twist you can get yourself a Lavatube.  If I had to choose between them, Id take the lavatube.   This is a great deal on an introductory VV mod.  My lavatube is still going strong from a year ago.  

$23.00 is a steal.


Our VV tube has the following features that are sure to enhance your vaping experience no matter what volt you like to vape at. The LCD screen is simple and easy to read and also is back lit with a red LED. It simply displays the voltage as you set/change it using the voltage set buttons. The "Lock" feature, simply push and hold the 2 black voltage adjustment buttons at the same time for 5 seconds and it will lock the voltage. This is great as it means you can't accidentally change the voltage. Comes with built in circuit/switch protection. Which means a 10 second cut off and reverse battery protection.  To turn it on you need to push the RED power button for 5 seconds, this is also the way you shut the device off. To adjust the voltage you need to push the black + or - buttons, and lastly to fire your VV tube there is a large black button. Please check out our options on this great mod and make a kit that works well with you. 

