The first of its kind. A Live Vaping show about product deals!
Saturdays will be a busy day for me. After Mod Envy we launched a new show called DONE DEAL on the Vapestrong network. Its a show dedicated to deals that will be beneficial to the world vaping community. The show runs at 10pm PST / 1am EST - Saturdays. The premier at 1am EST still brought in hundreds of viewers - with no planned giveaways or advertising. A huge success!
This show will NOT be focused on coupon codes (thats already been done). Much like our Vaporjoes sites - we will focused on actual products. We will try and make sure that the deals will be useful to ALL members of the vaping community world wide.
Congratulations to TygerTyger on getting her Poldiac for her birthday!
Check out Done Deals Facebook group we just launched - and Join!