The main reason Fasttech is so popular is they have the biggest selection of ecig products in the world - at fantastic prices.  No vendor comes close to the variety and styles.   Today Fasttech stocks it's 10,000th electronic cigarette product - a huge milestone for any vendor in any industry.

This number DOES NOT include ejuice, batteries, or chargers.  
If we were to include eliquid the number would be close to 15,000.

Let the Fasttech haters heads explode.  One thing holds true - they absolutely dominate the e-cig industry in size and scope.  They are the 10,000lb elephant in the room. Like it or not with a simple release of a product - they can influence the direction of that product and set trends.

As long as they remain the lowest priced vendor (not china exclusive) - we will continue to push every good deal they have to offer.  The Vaporjoes network is dedicated to the lowest price, not the most popular vendor. 

We do not have vendor loyalty - we have wallet loyalty.

Something I bet you didn't know.  Ecig related products count for just over 10% of their overall sales.  
They do far more in electronics such as tablets, cellphones, and cables.