EXCLUSIVE: Ego Kit + Pinkspot Juice $22.50

..its Littleshopofvapor

I spoke with the owner of littleshopofvapor. I asked her to put together a great kit, and she didnt disappoint!

A Vaporjoes.com exclusive - A mix of quality batteries, clearos and juice.  This is a kit is great to gift, for a new vapor - or if you looking for a fantastic portable set up for yourself.    The juice alone costs $10.00 on pinkspots website.

(2) Smoktech 650 mah Batteries black
(2) Vision style long wick Clearomizers (Choose Color/Resistance)
(1) eGo USB charger
(1) 12ml bottle of Pink Spot signature e-liquid 

Use coupon code PLAYBOY to bring the total cost of this kit down to $22.50
*coupon was given to me by the vendor and is not an affiliate code
This is a 1 time use coupon - Limit of 2 per order.