....its the evil clone empire

Rendering of the DNA20 Cloned Mod

Screenshot of the offer - if they try and take it down (due to pressure)

The evil clone empire has taken another step closer to world mod domination!  

The evil cloners have targeted our beloved DNA20.  For all the people (myself include) who paid $200.00-$300.00 for 20 watts - let the screaming begin.    Dubbed the "AMAX" - it promises to actually do more then the original DNA20 by letting the user also select voltage. 

What does this mean?  If its accurate and built well - DNA20 mods will fall in price.

For those that found DNA20's out of reach due to the price - this may be an extremely affordable alternative. 

Co-Ops are ON FIRE ... let the feeding frenzy and dramatic posts BEGIN!

On a side note -  I will say that this picture looks photoshopped to me, but that doesn't mean this isn't what its basically going to look like.  A lot of china mods start off photoshopped and rendered for preorder sales.


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