Looking for a cheap starter kit and don't want to wait 10 days for it? Check this one out from Madvapes. What drew me to this one was the Smoktech branding. I like smoktech batteries, they tend to be far better quality then the generic brands.
This is great for a new vaper, an extra setup, or a portable set up. The BCC it comes with makes vaping a breeze. Just fill and vape!
Smok Tech 900mAh eGo RBC Starter Kit
This is a 900mAh eGo kit that is perfect as an introductory kit. It comes with 1 battery that can last many people all day. Also in this kit is an RBC (Redux Bottom Coil) Clearomizers which is an excellent device with great flavor and vapor production. The kit includes a 420mA charger to complete the package.
The RBC (Redux Bottom Coil) is a bottom coil clearomizer based after the look of the Redux Clearomizer. But it is a completely different design. The RBC using the bottom coil provides a nice warm vapor, with a superb clean flavor, and reduced wicking issues. Also different is the body design. There is no longer a removable drip tip at the top. It is more of a molded translucent uni-body design that unscrews from the bottom for filling and to replace the coils.
Each Smok Tech 900mAh eGo RBC Kit includes:
1 - Black eGo 900mah battery
1 - eGo RBC Clearomizers
1 - 420mah eGo charger
WHERE: http://www.madvapes.com/