Congestus Replica |
Congestus Replica |
Congestus Replica |
The Big Nasty? |
In keeping with my prediction that this will be the year of the 26650...
The owner of Exhalevapors hits me up today with some samples he got from his contacts in China. The samples are new 26650 replicas that are going to be hitting the market very soon. The Congestus which is a dual 26650 mechanical and what looks like "The Big Nasty". I own a Big nasty and that mod looks VERY similar to it. The bottom cap does look a little different but the mod as a whole looks good. The original Congestus was telescopic, its unknown if this one is telescopic or just uses different tubes.
I was not told which manufacturer. I was not told price or release date.
I was simply told - they are coming.