Some rumors and words of non-wisdom.

Some new items

There will be another incarnation of the MVP by Innokin.  At this point its just verbiage but from very reliable sources.  What's not known is - will be the DNA30 version?  Another bit of information that came out of Vapebash was that Yiloong has ordered a boat load of DNA chips. It has also been confirmed at Bash that there will be a Tesla DNA30.

The words of non-wisdom

Not too long ago you could put a 20/30 WATT chip in a box and call it $250.00.   That's going to vanish.  Mod makers will have to add bells and whistles to make their mods worth the extra cheddar.   

So what does this all mean?   In short: A WATTAGE SHIT STORM.  Your going to see some products in the next few months that is going to blow your mind.   With China ordering chips and making chips - the prices on these devices are going to have to drop.

That doesn't mean a finally crafted device isn't worth the extra money.  They are!  (example ZNA)
This is more about the average vaper that wants the 30 watt experience.  

In the end with 100 Watt and 120 watt devices being made in small amounts - who's to say this whole post isn't already old news and a new more powerful mass produced chip isn't already in the works?  

Who's to say we will even be using terms like variable wattage and variable power over the next year? 
Perhaps they will be replaced by something completely different? ;)

.. whistles and walks away