It's been a record-breaking month over at the NEW Vaping Underground Forum, the latest in the VaporJoes Network of sites. The forum has taken the vaping world by storm. Already it pushes as much traffic as the famed VaporJoes Original Deals & Steals Blog, and boasts 50,000 posts... a number that grows by the hour.

What better way to celebrate and thank our members for being a part of it all, than to give away some terrific prizes?  

Click here and visit the Vaping Underground Thread for information about how YOU can enter for your chance to win one of 5 NEW 18650 VaporShark rDNAs!


But that's not all we're celebrating today-- VaporJoes Original Deals & Steals Blog recently logged its 36 Millionth Visitor! 

We are taking 24 hours off. Our deals and steals will continue to tomorrow at noon EST.  

Deals will continue to be posted in real time in our Facebook group by members and vendors.