What's been open a single month, garners over 150K hits per day, and attracts vapers from around the globe?

You guessed it. The Vaping Underground Forum, the latest of the VaporJoes network of sites, has taken the vaping world by storm. Already it pushes as much traffic as the famed VaporJoes Original Deals & Steals Blog, and boasts 50,000 posts... a number that grows by the hour.

We built it for YOU, the vapers. We listened. We planned. We burned the way-past-midnight oil, brainstorming and constructing a place with room to grow and an eye to the future of vaping. You responded with overwhelming support. In just the first month, the membership far surpassed some other forums have taken years to build up. You're posting, communicating, educating, learning, sharing, and just generally building community and having a good time doing so. The Underground has been essentially devoid of drama for three reasons: a terrific team of admins and moderators, an environment that starves trolls, and a membership that are happy to be there... Why? Because, finally, vendors, manufacturers and vapers can come together to exchange information freely without fear of being reprimanded, muzzled, censored or banned. We can't imagine it any other way.

We know were doing something right because you keep telling us so. Wherever we find ourselves talking with you, the response is the same: gratitude and appreciation for a forum long overdue... a forum built for all vapers and their vast interests and needs. We appreciate your feedback, it makes us happy to know you're enjoying the realization of our vision, and that we didn't miss our mark.

But rest assured, we're not content to stop here. We've got more in store for you. This is *only* the beginning...