Russian 91% Rebuildable

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The Russian 91% by Kebo is a high quality Kayfun styled rebuildable tank system. It has a sturdy body constructed of 316 stainless steel and features a chimney design for bottom-fed coils with adjustable airflow control. A clear-frosted plastic center tube is also included, which can be changed out with the stainless steel center tube. This tank system also includes a 510 drip tip adapter which allows you to use any 510 drip tip that you wish. The Russian has a unique airflow design where the airflow is delivered directly underneath the coil in addition to a reduced inner chamber thus allowing for the most enhanced flavor and vapor production out of any other tank system. The Tank itself holds up to 4.5 ml of eliquid, and is very easy to fill. The Russian 91% is a bottom filling tank which requires a threaded screw to be removed and replaced each time the tank is filled. The screw has an o-ring which creates a tight seal so that leaking will not occur. The Russian has a uniquely designed two post deck which allows for building to be fairly hassle free. This tank system has an adjustable 510 center pin to ensure that it makes contact with any desired device. The center pin has a screw within a screw design to maximize the reach that the pin can safely travel. The Russian 91% is the ideal rebuildable tank atomizer for anybody who enjoys wrapping their own coils but prefers not to use a dripping atomizer. All in all, The Russian 91% is an extremely high quality atomizer that is reliable and performs phenomenally. 

  • 1 x The Russian 91% Atomizer
  • 1 x Clear Tank
  • 1 x 510 Drip Tip adapter
  • 1 x Needle Bottle
  • 1 x Screwdriver
  • 1 x 1m silica wick
  • 1 x 1m nichrome wire
  • 1 x Spare Part Kit: 2 x air flow screws, 2 x wick holding screw, 6 x O-rings
  • 1 x Original Box


$52.50 for the original
$61.50 for the black version